Kate Middleton’s Uncle Is the ‘Black Sheep’ of Her Family

By: Beth Moreton | Published: Apr 01, 2024

With his recent appearance on “Celebrity Big Brother” in the U.K., Kate Middleton’s uncle Gary Goldsmith has been at the center of much controversy.

Despite him being on a TV show full of famous people, not much is known about Goldsmith, with fears that he could reveal too much about the British royal family on the show.

Gary Goldsmith Is Kate Middleton’s Maternal Uncle

With having separate surnames, many might be confused as to how Gary Goldsmith and Princess Catherine are related.

A picture of Kate Middleton smiling.

Source: Northern Ireland Office/Wikimedia Commons

Hello! Magazine has reported that Goldsmith is Catherine’s mother, Carole Middleton’s, brother, but that they aren’t as close as you might presume. 

Gary Goldsmith Works in Recruitment

On Gary Goldsmith’s LinkedIn page, he has stated that he is ranked as one of “the most influential people in the staffing sector globally.”

Gary Goldsmith going into the Celebrity Big Brother house. He is wearing a white suit and shirt, glasses, and has a gold badge with his name on it.

Source: TalkTV/YouTube

He works for and has founded several recruitment businesses and states that his business gets “fast tracks to success.”

Gary Goldsmith Has Been Married Multiple Times

Unlike his niece and sister, Gary Goldsmith has been married four times.

Gary Goldsmith going into the “Celebrity Big Brother” house. The corridor has a blue floor with yellow stars on it. The walls are different colors with mirrors. Goldsmith is wearing glasses, a white blazer and jumper, and black trousers.

Source: TalkTV/YouTube

He has been married to sales executive Miranda Foote and his second marriage was to Luan, whom he shares a daughter with. He was then married another two times to Julia Leake and Julie-Ann Brown.

Gary Goldsmith Was Arrested for Assaulting His Wife

Back in 2017, Gary Goldsmith was arrested for assaulting his fourth wife, Julie-Ann Brown, after a drunken night out.

Gary Goldsmith walking into the “Celebrity Big Brother” house. He is wearing glasses, a white blazer, and a jumper.

Source: TalkTV/YouTube

Brown had accused Goldsmith of taking drugs, which was when he punched her and she ended up in the hospital. Goldsmith pleaded guilty and received a 12-month community order with 20 sessions of a rehabilitation order, as well as being ordered to pay £5,000 ($6,361), alongside a £170 ($216) victim surcharge and £85 ($108) in prosecution costs, according to The Independent.

Gary Goldsmith Was Photographed with Drugs

In 2009 in Ibiza, Gary Goldsmith was caught taking and dealing drugs to an undercover journalist, according to The Daily Mail.

Gary Goldsmith looking at someone. There is a blue sofa with gold and pink cushions on and a plant in the background.

Source: TalkTV/YouTube

Goldsmith also told the journalist that he could set him up with some sex workers and that he’s really close to the royal family, resulting in Prince William having to keep him at arm’s length. 


Gary Goldsmith Has a Strained Relationship with the Middletons

Gary Goldsmith might maintain that they are somewhat close, but this apparently isn’t true.

Gary Goldsmith sat down wearing a suit. He is in a room where the walls have golden balls stuck on them.

Source: Popcorned Palace/YouTube

As an example, at Pippa Middleton’s wedding in 2017, Goldsmith was only invited to the ceremony but was not invited to the wedding reception afterward.


Gary Goldsmith’s Appearance on Celebrity Big Brother

Despite having only appeared in the media as Princess Catherine’s uncle, Gary Goldsmith headed into the “Celebrity Big Brother” house in March 2024.

Gary Goldsmith’s promo picture for “Celebrity Big Brother”. He is wearing a black suit with a red tie and is standing in front of the “Celebrity Big Brother” logo.

Source: This Morning/YouTube

While in the house, he had made promises to not talk about the royal family on the show, something that Catherine and her family were likely very happy about.


The Middletons Aren’t Happy with Gary Goldsmith

He might be a family member of theirs, but it has been reported by The Daily Mail that the Middleton family isn’t happy with Gary Goldsmith going on “Celebrity Big Brother.”

Gary Goldsmith getting out of a black car on his way into the “Celebrity Big Brother” house. There is a crowd of people behind him.

Source: Popcorned Palace/YouTube

Michael and Carole Middleton reportedly told Goldsmith that he cannot talk about the royals, with them not wanting Catherine to have any added stress after her recent abdominal surgery.


The Middletons Told Gary Goldsmith Not to Go on TV

It appears that Gary Goldsmith is unable to take orders. He was told by Carole Middleton not to go on “Celebrity Big Brother.”

Gary Goldsmith with a man next to him who has his arms around him.

Source: Popcorned Palace/YouTube

However, after he entered the “Celebrity Big Brother” house on March 4, 2024, it showed that Goldsmith had not respected their wishes — as he didn’t have their blessing and still went in anyway. 


Gary Goldsmith has spoken out about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Gary Goldsmith might not have spoken much about Catherine, but he has been very open about his feelings toward Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on “Celebrity Big Brother.”

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. They are both smiling and are standing in front of some trees.

Source: Mark Jones/Wikimedia Commons

He says that he feels Meghan is to blame for them leaving the royal family and the U.K. and that she “rewrote history” by making Harry claim he was “so unhappy.” This was said in a clip on TalkTV


Gary Goldsmith was rejected from other TV Roles

Going on “Celebrity Big Brother” isn’t the first TV show Gary Goldsmith has tried to get on, but is the only one he has been successful in getting.

Gary Goldsmith in a TV studio. It has a blue background and he is wearing a dark suit.

Source: GBNews/YouTube

The Sun reported that Goldsmith had auditioned for “I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here” for the 2023 series but had been rejected by TV bosses because they were worried he would embarrass Princess Catherine.


Gary Goldsmith is a controversial Figure

Gary Goldsmith’s booking for “Celebrity Big Brother” has been great for TV bosses, as he will bring a controversial nature that the show relies on.

Gary Goldsmith is being followed by cameras. He has a neutral expression on his face.

Source: TalkTV/YouTube

However, with his controversial past proving to be an issue with the public and the Middletons not giving their blessing, Goldsmith’s first TV move may not work out in the way he may have hoped it would. 
