Dark Secrets the Royal Family Doesn’t Want You to Know

By: Kate Row | Published: Dec 26, 2023

Every family has secrets and the British royal family is really no different. However, they do have more reasons to hide their dark past than most normal families. Since they’re under great scrutiny, the Royals have a long history of keeping people quiet and hiding any less-than-flattering moments from the public.

Fortunately, internet sleuths have dug up some of the most shocking secrets that the royal family has tried to hide for years. From conspiracy theories to buried secrets, this is what the royal family wishes we didn’t know.

The Windsors' Best Kept Secret

Perhaps the darkest Windsor family secret is that of Queen Elizabeth II’s uncle. She never met the prince as he passed away from a severe seizure. He started having seizures from the time he was very young and was quickly moved to a different estate from the rest of the family. He was not even allowed to appear in public.


Source: Wikipedia

For the duration of his life he was cared for in a solitary estate with some servant children to play with. There were rumors that he was kept on a leash so that he wouldn’t wander off and have an episode. Many have questioned how he was cared for and if his level of care changed based on the fact that he may have suffered from developmental disabilities.

Prince Eddy: The Real Jack the Ripper?

One of the wild swirling rumors about the royal family is that Prince Albert Victor Christian Edward, known as Prince ‘Eddy’ was actually the real Jack the Ripper. He was the firstborn son of King Edward VII and was known for being something of an idiot.


Source: Wikipedia

He died when he was 28 and his brother George took his place in the line of succession. Rumor has it that he was the real Jack the Ripper, based on allegations of sex scandals in the area where the Ripper performed his crimes. Some even think he didn’t actually pass away when he was 28 but lived out the rest of his life out of the public eye and off the grid.

Beheading Mary Queen of Scots

Teh British family tricked Mary Queen of Scots into turning herself over to the crown to save her people. Instead, they locked her up and attacked her lands in Scotland. Furthermore, they refused to acknowledge her bloodline as having any right to the throne.


Source: Wikipedia

They beheaded her and stripped her sons of any rights so they could rise up against them. She still has living relatives today and some believe they are the rightful heirs to the throne.

The Queen Mother Was a Nazi Sympathizer

Some of those in power were actually Nazi sympathizers back in the 1930s. In fact, both of Prince Phillips’ sister married Nazis themselves. Much of the royal family saw Hitler adn the Nazis as a group against communism and socialism.


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They felt communism and socialism were much more threatening to the royal family than Nazis themselves. The queen mother even sent around a copy of Mein Kampf to all members of the British cabinet, encouraging them all to read it.

Prince Phillip's Affair That Split the Royal Family

Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh was known for being a womanizer his entire life, to which the Queen chose to ignore. But when he struck up an affair with the Queen’s favorite cousin, things took a turn.

Source: Wikipedia

Princess Alexandra of Kent was not only the Queen’s favorite cousin but happened to be Prince Phillip’s cousin as well! The affair caused major rifts within the family which they tried to keep quiet. When Princess Alexandra’s daughter threatened to come out with the truth in 1989, she was given a home and some hush money to keep quiet.


The Queen's Son Resembles Another Man

The Queen’s second son, Prince Andrew bears an uncanny resemblance to the Lord Prcherster, who later became the Earl of Carnarvon.

Source: Tumblr

Apparently, Queen Elizabeth and Phillip hit a rough patch in the late ’50s and many have speculated that she took comfort in her old friend Lord Porchester. Prince Andrew was born not long after and looked almost exactly like him…


Princess Beatrice Dated a Man Charged With Assault

The crown has always had a heavy hand when it comes to choosing who young Royals can and cannot date. When Prince William married Kate in 2011 the rules started to loosen but before that they were pretty unwavering. However, young Princess Beatrice had a bit of a rocky past in relationships.

Source: Reddit

In 2006 she dated a man named Paolo Liuzzo. The man was convicted of assault and battery, resulting in death. He killed a man and then the princess went on to date him.


Prince Andrew Was Good Friends With Jeffrey Epstein

Jeffrey Epstein was a convicted criminal who solicited and took advantage of underage girls. His infamous island coined “Epstein’s island” was used to transport young girls to and from for his own pleasure.

Source: Getty Images

Interestingly, Prince Andrew was good friends with the man, having been pictured with him on numerous occasions and even traveling to the island himself. After public and internal pressure, he ended his friendship with Epstein but not before people started to speculate how he could become close to an offender.


The Princess Diana Theory

Perhaps the most well-known and controversial conspiracy theory surrounding the royals i about how Princess Diana really died. She passed away in a fatal car crash in Paris in 1997, but many believe the crash was not a simple accident.

Source: Pinterest

Interstingly, Diana herself felt unsafe in the family and speculated that she might be killed. It was no secret that she was not well-liked by many of the Royals, although she was highly popular among the general public. Many have speculated over the years that the family had orchestrated her demise.
