Princess Ingrid, the Next Queen of Norway?

By: Beth Moreton | Published: Mar 28, 2024


While some royals of various royal families are quite well known across the world, there are others whom many might not have ever heard of.

One of these royals is Princess Ingrid, who is second in line to the throne of Norway. 

Princess Ingrid Will Be Norway’s First Queen in Over 600 Years

With a combination of men being the firstborn child and a rule that stated that the firstborn male of the family would be monarch, even if a girl were born first, Princess Ingrid will be Norway’s first queen in over 600 years.

The Norway royal family on the Palace balcony. They are waving at a crowd. Present are Princess Ingrid, Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, the Queen, and the King.

Source: Ernst Vikne/Wikimedia Commons

The Daily Mail has stated that this rule was changed in 1990 to allow firstborn daughters to be monarchs. With Princess Ingrid born 14 years after this rule change, she is set to become Norway’s first queen in living memory. 

Princess Ingrid Has an Older Brother

Despite being the one out of her siblings who will one day become monarch, Princess Ingrid has an older brother.

Marius Borg Høiby when he was younger. He is holding someone’s hand and is smiling.

Source: Morhange/Wikimedia Commons

However, her older brother, Marius Borg Høiby, is her half brother. They share the same mother, and as she is not royal by birth, Marius will not become king. 

Princess Ingrid Is Only Half-Royal

Despite having a father who was born into royalty, Princess Ingrid’s mother comes from a somewhat normal background.

The Crown Prince and Princess of Norway, Prince Haakon and Princess Mette-Marit. They are both smiling for the camera and are standing against a dark background.

Source: Kronprinsparents Fond/Wikimedia Commons

Ingrid’s mother, Mette-Marit Tjessem Hoiby, comes from a middle-class background and was waiting tables when she met Ingrid’s father, Prince Haakon, according to People

Princess Ingrid Has Followed in Her Mother’s Footsteps

She may be royalty, but that hasn’t stopped Princess Ingrid from doing what might be considered as a normal job, alongside her royal duties.

: Crown Princess of Norway Mette-Marit waving at a crowd. She is waving a white coat.

Source: Jarvin/Wikimedia Commons

During a summer break from school, Ingrid spent some time working as a dishwasher as a way of earning some extra money, according to Norwegian magazine Se og Hør.

Princess Ingrid Was a School Assistant

Not only has Princess Ingrid been a dishwasher, but she has also worked in a school.

Princess Ingrid of Norway sat in a chair and smiling for the camera. She is wearing a traditional dress.

Source: @princess.ingrid.alexandra/Instagram

After she graduated from school in the summer of 2023, Ingrid went back there to work as a school assistant and environmental worker, according to Royal Central


Princess Ingrid Will Join the Military

In 2024, Princess Ingrid is set to spend a year training in the military and will join the Skjold camp in Inner Troms, the base of the 2nd Battalion and the Engineer Battalion.

Princess Ingrid of Norway in an army uniform. She has her hair tied up and is smiling for the camera.

Source: @princess.ingrid.alexandra/Instagram

When she becomes queen, Ingrid will be the head of Norway’s military, making her an Air Force General, Army General, and Admiral of the Navy. Aware of her responsibilities, Ingrid is determined to learn as much as she can about the military. 


Princess Ingrid Is a Lover of Sports

She might be a royal and engage in other roles outside of royalty, but Princess Ingrid still manages to find the time for one of her greatest passions, which is sport.

Princess Ingrid of Norway is out skiing with her family.

Source: Kongehuset/YouTube

Ingrid mostly enjoys skiing and water sports, with Hola! even sharing a video of her completing a ski jump in 2022. 


Princess Ingrid's Dream of Freedom

As she is a member of royalty, Princess Ingrid is constantly being accompanied by security guards, something that she would rather avoid.

Princess Ingrid of Norway skiing down a mountain on her own.

Source: Kongehuset/YouTube

UFO No More reported that Ingrid has said that this is why she loves going skiing so much: She can escape her security guards for a bit and just be a normal person. 


Princess Ingrid Has Her Own Personal Ties to Other Royal Families

She might be second in line to the throne of Norway, but that hasn’t stopped Princess Ingrid from having her own personal connections to royal families from all over the world.

Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Daniel Westling on their wedding day. They are in a horse and carriage. Victoria is wearing a wedding dress, crown, and veil, and is holding a bouquet of white flowers. Daniel is in a tuxedo and they are both waving at the crowds.

Source: Holger Motzkau/Wikimedia Commons

She was a flower girl to godmother Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden on her wedding day, and her other godparents include King Felipe VI of Spain, Crown Prince Fredrik of Denmark, and her parental aunt, Princess Mãrtha Louise.


Princess Ingrid Is Glad to be a Member of the Royal Family

As she lives a life that most people could only dream of, but one that is very regimented and provides little freedom, many might wonder whether Princess Ingrid enjoys being a member of the Norwegian royal family.

The Norweigan royal family on the balcony waving at the crowds.

Source: The Mogul Express/YouTube

As reported by Royal Central, Ingrid revealed that she is “grateful for the opportunity” and that she cannot imagine not being in her position. 


Princess Ingrid Limits Her Social Media Use

She might be a member of a generation who has grown up with cellphones and social media, but Princess Ingrid prefers not to use them so much.

Princess Ingrid of Norway posing for a photograph. She is wearing a suit and is sitting in a chair, smiling for the camera.

Source: @princess.ingrid.alexandra/Instagram

She has previously stated that she found she was using TikTok, in particular, too much, so she decided to delete the app. She also prefers to remain private on social media. She doesn’t have a Facebook or Instagram account, so she can still have some of her life away from the public eye, according to Get To Text


Princess Ingrid Believes In Deep Social Issues

Many royal family members will have causes they believe most in and will dedicate their lives to championing these causes.

Princess Ingrid of Norway when she was younger, smiling and waving at the crowds.

Source: Aeltegop/Wikimedia Commons

An example of this is climate change, which the Royal Court reports as the first official engagement Princess Ingrid engaged in. 
