Taco Bell Manager Saves 11-Week-Old Baby’s Life After He Stopped Breathing and Turned Blue in Parking Lot

By: Lauren | Published: Apr 23, 2024

In a miraculous turn of events, a Taco Bell manager saved the life of an 11-week-old baby in the fast food restaurant’s parking lot. 

Surveillance footage of the parking lot shows the intense scene of mother, Natasha Long, realizing her baby isn’t breathing, and Taco Bell Manager, Becky Arbaugh, racing to the scene. The clip and the story itself, is incredibly inspiring, as well as important. 

Her New Born Wasn’t Breathing

When Pennsylvianis mom of two, Natasha Long, realized her 11-week- old newborn wasn’t breathing, she found herself in every mother’s living nightmare. 

Natasha Long holds her lifeless and unbreathing baby in the parking lot of Taco Bell

Source: @NewYorkPost/YouTube

Natasha told the press later, “He turned completely blue and was lifeless.” She continued, “At that point, I just completely blacked out. I didn’t know what to do.”

Panicked Screams Could Be Heard From Inside Taco Bell

Reports state that Natasha’s panicked screams could be heard from inside the Taco Bell restaurant. 

Taco Bell employee smiles as she takes an order

Source: Reddit

And in the middle of her shift, one employee flung off her headset and rushed outside to find out what kind of crisis was eliciting such a horrific sound of fear. 

Arriving on the Scene

When Becky Arbaugh, the manager at the Taco Bell, got to Natasha, she immediately saw that her baby wasn’t breathing and sprang into action. 

A person giving chest compressions to a baby

Source: Adobe Stock

Arbaugh began performing chest compressions on the newly-born infant while Natasha stood beside her trembling and terrified. 

Arbaugh Saved That Little Boy's Life

After what must have felt like an eternity to Natasha, her son started breathing on his own again, thanks to Arbaugh’s quick action and correct administering of the compressions.

Taco Bell Manager Becky Arbaugh speaks to the press after saving a baby’s life

Source: @NewYorkPost/YouTube

Arbaugh’s actions were nothing short of heroic. She explained to the press how she managed to stay so calm in the horrific situation: “When my kids were little, my daughter had a similar incident, so I knew what she was feeling. I knew if I kept her calm and I stayed calm, there was no thought in my mind that the baby wasn’t going to breathe again.”

Why Did Natasha’s Son Stop Breathing?

While Arbaugh was saving the little one’s life, another bystander was calling 911. Thankfully, by the time the ambulance arrived, Natasha’s son was breathing, but they still rushed him to St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children.

Exterior of St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children in Pennsylvania

Source: St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children

The hospital has been conducting the necessary tests in an attempt to find out why the newborn stopped breathing, though they don’t have the answer for Natasha just yet. 


This Terrifying Reality Could Happen to Anyone

There is no doubt that Arbaugh saved the baby’s life by springing into action in the Taco Bell parking lot. And while her bravery and quick response is certainly enough to warrant this an important moment, this story has far bigger implications. 

A mother looks concerned as she hugs her baby

Source: Freepik

Which is that new mothers and fathers should absolutely be trained in infant-CPR in case something similar occurs to their infants. 


The Proper Care for an Unbreathing Infant

According to the Red Cross, if a child under the age of one isn’t breathing, the first step is to tilt their head back and open the airway. 

CPR first responder demonstrating chest compressions on an infant dummy

Source: Freepik

Then, cover their nose and mouth with your mouth and breathe into their body five times. Next, give 30 chest compressions by firmly pushing two fingers into the middle of their chest. After 30 compressions, administer two rescue breaths, then another 30 compressions, and continue this procedure until they are breathing on their own. 


It’s Crucial to Call for Help

While it may feel as though you are wasting time, if you are alone, it’s absolutely crucial to call 911 before beginning CPR.

The back of an ambulance with the world clearly written in red lettering

Source: Freepik

Although you may be able to get the baby breathing again, they will still need medical attention immediately to keep them alive. 


Arbaugh Did What Any Mother Would Do

Saving a life isn’t an everyday occurrence, but Arbaugh said she didn’t think twice. She told the press, “I just thought of myself as a mom with another mom that needed help.”

Young mother holding her infant child

Source: Freepik

But the boy’s mother, Natasha, isn’t taking her actions lightly. She said, “We couldn’t be more grateful to Becky. She saved my son’s life.”


The Two Women Will Likely Be Friends for Life

After the baby was rushed to the hospital, Arbaugh showed up and offered to stay with him while his parents tried to get a bit of much needed rested. 

Two women embrace on the beach

Source: Freepik

It seems that the bond between these two mothers is now unbreakable; they shared a trauma that will result in a life-long friendship. 


Tragedy Can Strike Anywhere

This incredibly inspiring story shows that while tragedy can certainly strike anywhere, there are real life heroes among us. 

Large sign for a Taco Bell restaurant as seen from the road

Source: iStock

That day in the Taco Bell parking lot, one woman was able to save a life and change a mother’s life forever. And maybe, now that the correct response to this kind of situation is being shared all over the world, many more infant lives will be saved. 
