Most Americans Answer These Questions About European Colonization Incorrectly

By: Ben Campbell | Published: Apr 21, 2024

The vast majority of Americans know that their nation was founded from settlers from other lands, but few know the details of these and other settlers who colonized both North and South America. 

In fact, most Americans won’t be able to answer these questions about European colonization correctly!

1. Which of the following European countries did NOT participate in the colonization of the Americas?

  • A) Lithuania
  • B) The Netherlands
  • C) Sweden
  • D) Russia
A painting of English settlers arriving to the shores of North America during the colonization period

Source: Britannica



A map of Lithuania surrounded by its bordering countries

Source: iStock

2. Which European country established the first permanent North American settlement in 1607?

  • A) France
  • B) England
  • C) Spain
  • D) None of the Above
An illustration of the fort of Jamestown in Virginia

Source: Britannica



The flag of England flying in the wind against a blue sky

Source: Freepik

3. Which king and queen funded Christopher Columbus’ voyage to the New World?

  • A) King Henry VI and Queen Isabella 
  • B) King Robert and Queen Elizabeth
  • C) King Henry VI and Queen Margaret
  • D) King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
Painted portrait of Christopher Columbus

Source: World History Encyclopedia



King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella

Wedding portrait of Queen Isabella I of Castile (right) and King Ferdinand II of Aragon (left), married in 1469

Source: Wikipedia


4. What is the name for the sharing of new disease, minerals, plants, and animals between the old and new world as a result of Columbus' voyage?

  • A) Northwest Passage
  • B) Two-Way Exchange
  • C) Columbian Exchange
  • D) Columbian Passage
Depiction of Christopher Columbus landing on the island he called Hispanola

Source: Britannica



Columbian Exchange

Illustration of the Columbian Exchange

Source: Reddit


5. When did the Spanish begin forming their first colony on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola?

  • A) 1493
  • B) 1501
  • C) 1594
  • D) 1607
Map of the island once called Hispanola which is now made up of the Dominican Republic and Haiti

Source: World Atlas




Illustration of settlers landing on North American soil and being greeted by the indigenous people

Source: Amazon


6. What was Canada called when it was a colony?

  • A) New Amsterdam
  • B) Northern Americas 
  • C) New France
  • D) Canada
Sketch of Fort Lachine in New France (now Canada), 1689

Source: Wikipedia



New France

A map of New France made by Samuel de Champlain in 1612

Source: Wikipedia


7. Which of the following statements regarding the relationship between settlers and native people is most accurate…

  • A) European settlers killed every native person they met after landing in the Americas
  • B) European settlers and the native people of the Americas traded and worked together in some colonies, but in others, the settlers enslaved and often killed the natives of that area and took their land by force
  • C) European settlers tried to share the land, but the people native to the Americas started violently attacking the settlers once they stepped off their boats
  • D) European settlers and the native people of the Americas had no contact
Painting of the Portuguese landing in what is now Brazil, 1900

Source: Wikipedia



European settlers and the native people of the Americas traded and worked together in some colonies, but in others, the settlers enslaved and often killed the natives of that area and took their land by force

The Choctaw, led by their chief Tuscaloose, battle the Spanish explorer de Soto and his army in 1540

Source: Britannica


8. What was Spain’s main goal when colonizing the Americas?

  • A) To convert all those living there to Catholicism 
  • B) To learn more about the New World
  • C) To extract gold and silver and improve Spain’s economy 
  • D) Spain never successfully colonized in the Americas
Illustration of the Spanish fleet sailing across the Atlantic to the New World

Source: @QuidlyandCo/Facebook



To extract gold and silver and improve Spain’s economy 

A sketch completed by a settler in what is now South America, showing the gold they found

Source: World History Encyclopedia


9. How many people do scholars believe lived on the continent of South America before the colonizers arrived?

  • A) Less Than 1 Million
  • B) 5 Million
  • C) 10-20 Million
  • D) More Than 50 Million
An illustration of a native tribe of the Americas before the arrival of the colonists

Source: Quora



More Than 50 Million

The ruins of an ancient city of the original tribes of South America

Source: iStock


10. How many colonies broke away from their motherland in Europe and formed the nation of the United States?

  • A) 9
  • B) 11
  • C) 13
  • D) 15
Depiction of the Declaration of Independence rolled up atop an American flag

Source: Freepik




A map of the United States, highlighting the original thirteen colonies

Source: World Atlas


11. What disease took more settlers’ lives than any other?

  • A) Measles
  • B) Smallpox
  • C) Malaria
  • D) Dysentery
A settler in the Americas laying in bed with a disease as their family members sit nearby

Source: Quora




A mosquito prepares to bite a human arm

Source: Freepik


12. While many argue that the Spanish were the first to settle the Americas, it was actually the _____ nearly 500 years before

  • A) Vikings
  • B) Romans
  • C) Greeks
  • D) English
A map of the world with two small paper boats moving across the seas

Source: Freepik




Digital illustration of Viking warriors prepared to fight

Source: Depositphotos


13. What was Columbus looking for when he found the Caribbean island of Hispaniola?

  • A) Any kind of new world, he didn’t know what he was looking for
  • B) Gold and silver 
  • C) A slave population for Italy
  • D) A new route to India, China, and Japan
Painting of the Mayflower, the ship that carried a colony of English Puritans to North America by William Halsall, 1882

Source: Wikipedia



A new route to India, China, and Japan

A neutral-colored globe focused on Southeast Asia

Source: Adobe Stock


14. Canada gained the right to self-government in 1867, but when did it gain full legal autonomy?

  • A) 1891
  • B) 1901
  • C) 1931
  • D) 1945
A Canadian flag waves against several trees and a blue sky

Source: Freepik




Digital illustration of a Canadian flag

Source: Freepik


15. Religious conversion was an important aspect of colonization; the Spanish settlers were largely Catholic, and the majority of the English were…

  • A) Puritans
  • B) Presbytrians 
  • C) Catholics
  • D) Agnostics
Painting of settlers in the colonies sharing a meal with the Native Americans

Source: Britannica




Black and white painting of Puritan settlers landing on North American soil

Source: Britannica
