Master Your Own Fate With This Vikings Quiz

By: Ben Campbell | Published: Apr 23, 2024

For centuries during the Medieval era, the Vikings of Scandinavia ventured far and wide in search of new land and treasures, terrorizing all who felt the got in the way of their mighty warriors.

But how much do you really know about the seafaring Vikings? Let’s find out.

1. Where did the Vikings come from?

  • A) Sweden
  • B) Denmark
  • C) Norway
  • D) All of the above
An image depicting a fleet of Viking ships sailing across the sea

Source: Wikimedia

Answer: All of the above

A map depicting the Scandinavian countries of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland

Source: Wikimedia

2. What does the term Viking refer to?

  • A) A sailor
  • B) A warrior
  • C) A raider
  • D) A farmer
A painting depicting several Viking warriors sailing on their ship

Source: Wikimedia

Answer: Raider

An image of several Vikings standing together, with one wielding a Danish axe

Source: Wikimedia

3. Who were known as the Vikings in Scandinavian culture?

  • A) All Scandinavians 
  • B) The warriors who protected their homeland
  • C) Those who took to the sea to acquire wealth by raiding other land
  • D) All of the above
A painting depicting several Vikings as they sail close to the coast

Source: Wikimedia


Answer: Those who took to the sea to acquire wealth by raiding other land

A painting depicting several Vikings on a ship at sea

Source: Wikimedia


4. Which monastery did armed Viking raiders attack in AD 793?

  • A) Monk Bretton Priory in Barnsley
  • B) Binham Priory in Norfolk
  • C) Calder Abbey in Cumbria
  • D) The Priory on Lindisfarne
An image of the sunrise on Lindisfarne

Source: Wikimedia


Answer: The Priory on Lindisfarne

An image of the Holy Castle on Lindisfarne during a cloudy afternoon

Source: Wikimedia


5. Which island did Viking colonists, led by Ingólfur Arnarson, settle upon in AD 874?

  • A) Ireland
  • B) Greenland
  • C) Iceland
  • D) Britain
An image of a ruined Viking building on a deserted island

Source: Wikimedia


Answer: Iceland

A depiction of Norsemen landing on Iceland drawn by Oscar Wergeland

Source: Wikimedia


6. Which kingdom of Anglo-Saxon England was the only one to evade Viking occupation?

  • A) East Anglia
  • B) Wessex
  • C) Northumbria
  • D) Mercia
An image of several Anglo-Saxons gathered around their king

Source: Wikimedia


Answer: Wessex

An image of the King of Wessex School chapel in a ruined state

Source: Wikimedia


7. A Viking sunstone made from crystal was discovered in a Tudor shipwreck; what purpose did it initially have?

  • A) It was used as an amulet of protection
  • B) It was used to navigate the sea
  • C) It was used to prophetize the future
  • D) It was used to indicate if a cup of wine had poison within
An image of a Viking crystal used to navigate the sea

Source: Wikimedia


Answer: It was used to navigate the sea

An old drawing depicting Vikings as they sail on a ship

Source: Wikimedia


8. What caused Harald Bluetooth of Denmark to convert to Christianity?

  • A) He decided it would bring peace to his kingdom
  • B) A beautiful missionary convinced him
  • C) He got drunk, and someone convinced him Jesus Christ was more powerful than Thor
  • D) He never converted to Christianity
Harald being baptized by Poppo, the monk, in a relief dated to c. 1200

Source: Wikimedia


Answer: He got drunk, and someone convinced him Jesus Christ was more powerful than Thor

A drawing depicting the Scandinavian deity Odin seated on a throne

Source: Wikimedia


9. Which Viking is thought by some to have also been the founding father of the royal dynasty of Dublin’s Viking kingdom?

  • A) Ivar the Boneless
  • B) Erik the Battle-Ready
  • C) Swein Forkbeard
  • D) Einar Buttered-Bread
An image depicting the Viking's arrival at Dublin, Ireland

Source: Wikimedia


Answer: Ivar the Boneless

An image depicting Lothbrocus and his sons Ivar and Ubba

Source: Wikimedia


10. Every Viking longed to go to Valhalla after their death. However, if they died in battle but did not go to Valhalla, where was their destination?

  • A) The sky to fly with Odin Ravens
  • B) Hel
  • C) The sea to sail for eternity
  • D) The fields of Freya
An artist's depiction of Valhalla, where Vikings long to go when they die

Source: Wikimedia


Answer: The fields of Freya

A drawing of the Scandinavian deity, Freya, as she walks her field

Source: Wikimedia


11. What was the most important attribute for a Viking warrior to have?

  • A) To act quickly in war
  • B) To show courage
  • C) To be remembered for great deeds
  • D) To be the best sailor
An image of a battle between Viking warriors and their enemies

Source: Wikimedia


Answer: To be remembered for great deeds

An image of a Viking warrior standing with his staff and shield

Source: Freepik


12. Which of these Vikings supposedly discovered the Americas before Columbus

  • A) Erik the Red
  • B) Leif Erikson
  • C) Harald Hadrada
  • D) Eric Bloodaxe
An image of Christopher Columbus wearing a black coat and hat

Source: Wikimedia


Answer: Leif Erikson

An image depicting Leif Erikson arriving on the shores of America with his Viking crew

Source: Wikimedia


13. What alphabet did the Vikings use?

  • A) Ogham
  • B) Runes
  • C) Devanagari
  • D) Latin
An image of a large stone inscribed with the Latin characters

Source: Wikimedia


Answer: Runes

A photograph of a sizeable runic inscription on a standing stone

Source: Wikimedia


14. The Vikings were perhaps the earliest culture to use ice skates. What did they make them from?

  • A) Old swords
  • B) Cattle bones
  • C) Pottery
  • D) All of the above
An image of a woman ice skating

Source: Freepik


Answer: Cattle bones

A pair of Viking ice skates made from cattle bones and leather

Source: Reddit


15. In what century was the term “Viking” first used by historians?

  • A) 5th century
  • B) 9th century 
  • C) 15th century
  • D) 18th century
An image of a Medieval historian holding a large history book

Source: Freepik


Answer: 18th century

A historian is pictured writing at his wooden desk under candlelight

Source: Wikimedia
