Google Lays Off Hundreds of ‘Core’ Employees to Restructure in Mexico, India, and Ireland

By: Beth Moreton | Last updated: May 28, 2024

After a year of layoffs for Google employees in 2023, they aren’t through the worst yet, as more layoffs are expected in 2024.

Many are expected to lose their jobs as the company goes through a restructuring phase and moves some jobs abroad.

Google Is Creating Growth Hubs

While Google is reducing its workforce, it is still planning to expand as it will launch growth hubs.

An image of a person holding a smartphone with the Google homepage open.

Source: Solen Feyissa/Unsplash

The New York Post reports that the hubs are set to launch in India, Mexico, and Ireland, which could mean some people’s jobs are moved overseas.

The Finance Department Will Be Affected

It’s bad news for those working in Google’s finance department. Business Insider reports this is where many of the layoffs are set to occur.

A person using a laptop is sitting at a desk. The Google homepage is open on the laptop. Their smartphone is placed on the desk next to the laptop, and another phone is further down the desk.

Source: Benjamin Dada/Unsplash

The finance department’s teams include Google’s Treasury, the business services department, and the revenue cash operations team.

Unknown How Many Layoffs Will Happen

While it is known that there will be layoffs, it is unknown how many jobs are on the line.

A woman sitting at a wooden desk with a computer, pieces of paper, and stationary on the desk. A person is handing her a brown cardboard box that says “FIRED” on the side in black capital letters.

Source: master1305/Freepik

The only thing known is that a small percentage of these roles will be moved abroad, which likely means that people currently in those roles will either have to make an international move or lose their jobs.

Google Has Already Layed off at Least 1000 Workers

These aren’t the first layoffs Google employees have seen in 2024, as it was announced in January that around 1000 workers were set to be made redundant.

A person using a smartphone that is open on the Google homepage.

Source: Arkan Perdana/Unsplash

The New York Post reported that these layoffs were in the sales team and were a part of Google’s continuing efforts to restructure the business.

12,000 Google Employees Were Fired in 2023

The latest layoffs only seem to add to those from 2023, which saw around 12,000 Google employees lose their jobs.

A zoomed-in image of a computer screen with the Google browser open on the Google homepage.

Source: Nathana Rebouças/Unsplash

This comes after tech companies expect an economic downturn soon.


Google Wants to Be Innovative

Part of the reason behind these layoffs is due to Google wanting to become more innovative.

A person holding a smartphone with the Google app loading.

Source: Shiwa ID/Unsplash

A spokesperson for the company was quoted in Bracknell News as saying they wanted to focus on their bigger priorities to improve the company.


AI Might Be to Blame

Experts have long warned about AI’s impact on businesses, and Google seems to have heeded this warning.

“AI” is in blue and is surrounded by blue and purple hexagons. There are dark purple swirls across the image.

Source: Steve Johnson/Unsplash

Mint reports that Google’s introduction of AI-based tools has lessened the need for employees, and as a result, many have lost their jobs.


Other Tech Companies Are Also Laying off Employees

Google isn’t the only tech company laying off employees. Other tech giants such as Microsoft, Meta, and Snapchat are also doing so.

One of the Microsoft office buildings. The building is covered in glass. Underneath the office is another building made of brick that says “Nordstrom.”

Source: Matthew Manuel/Unsplash

The Hill explains that employees have lost their jobs due to AI, rising interest rates, and having hired more employees during the COVID-19 pandemic than they need now.


Affected Employees Have Been Invited to Apply for Other Roles

Despite the layoffs, Google has invited those who have lost their jobs to apply for other internal roles within the company.

A white computer keyboard with various computer keys. Where the enter key should be, it says “Apply now” in green writing.

Source: athree23/Pixabay

However, Google doesn’t necessarily have enough vacant jobs to cover the number of lost jobs, which means many will have to look elsewhere for work.


More Employees Have Been Sacked Due to Protests

Along with the restructuring layoffs, a further 28 employees were sacked in April after getting involved in protests regarding Google’s supposed involvement in the conflict between Israel and Gaza.

Protests regarding the Israel and Gaza conflict in the Middle East. Many of the people in the crowd are holding Palestine flags.

Source: Garvit Nama/Unsplash

A spokesperson for Google told the BBC that the protestors were walking through offices and preventing other employees from getting any work done.


Layoffs Will Continue Through August 2024

According to a report by the Daily Mail, the layoffs are expected to continue through August 2024.

A smartphone opens on the homepage, showing all the apps. The image is zoomed in on the Google app.

Source: Brett Jordan/Unsplash

However, it is currently unknown how many more Google employees and departments can expect to lose their jobs or whether the layoffs will continue well past August.


Global Restructuring and Workforce Optimizations in Tech Giants

As Google continues its global restructuring, significant layoffs have become a defining aspect of this transition. The company’s strategic move to create growth hubs in Mexico, India, and Ireland signals a shift towards optimizing operations and cost efficiency.

The façade of a modern office building with the Google logo in its distinctive colors mounted on the exterior wall. The building has a contemporary design with reflective glass windows, and a clear blue sky in the background

Source: G/Unsplash

This trend is not isolated to Google; numerous tech giants are also downsizing their workforce as they navigate economic challenges and evolving technological landscapes.


Discord Adjusts Workforce After Rapid Expansion

Discord, the popular communication platform, has also undergone significant layoffs.

The image shows an exhibit booth with the name 'DISCORD' illuminated in white letters against a dark background. Above the bold signage, the word 'DISCORD' is projected in a larger size with a blue tint

Source: Wikimedia Commons

CEO Jason Citron announced a reduction of 4% in their workforce due to operational inefficiencies that surfaced after the company’s rapid fivefold expansion since 2020.


Snap Inc. Trims Workforce to Enhance Collaboration

Snap Inc., the parent company of Snapchat, has reduced its workforce by 10%, affecting approximately 530 employees.

Hand holding a smartphone with the Snapchat app

Source: Adobe Stock

This decision is part of a broader strategy to streamline operations and enhance in-person collaboration. The company is committed to supporting affected employees with severance packages and related costs.


Amazon Prime Video and MGM Studios Layoffs

Amazon Prime Video and MGM Studios are also experiencing workforce reductions. Mike Hopkins, SVP at Prime Video and Amazon MGM Studios, announced the elimination of several hundred roles to prioritize long-term business success.

A flat-screen television on a dark stand displays the Prime Video logo centered on a white background. The TV is in a dimly lit room with a blue wall behind it, illuminated by backlighting from the screen

Source: Thibault Penin/Unsplash

The focus will be on content and product initiatives that offer the most significant impact.


Twitch Announces Significant Job Cuts

Twitch’s CEO, Dan Clancy, revealed a substantial reduction of over 500 jobs.

A large, illuminated Twitch logo in white and purple dominates the photo, hanging overhead at a gaming convention

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Despite efforts to manage expenses, the company determined that its operational size was larger than necessary, prompting a downsizing to achieve a more sustainable business model.


Sony Interactive Entertainment Announces 900 Job Cuts

Sony Interactive Entertainment has laid off 900 employees across its PlayStation Studios game development teams.

Image of the Sony PlayStation headquarters with a large PlayStation logo in front of two mirrored glass buildings reflecting a clear blue sky. The buildings feature a modern architectural design with the Sony logo prominently displayed on the top right structure

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The layoffs affected notable studios like Insomniac Games and Naughty Dog, driven by evolving player expectations and a strategic push towards online experiences and expanding to PC and mobile gaming platforms.


eBay Reduces Its Workforce by 1,000 Employees

eBay’s CEO, Jamie Iannone, announced a workforce reduction affecting about 9% of its employees.

The image shows the entrance to eBay's corporate office, featuring a large eBay logo with oversized, colorful letters on a black background

Source: Wikimedia Commons

This move aims to align the company’s expenses with its business growth and establish a more sustainable operational model for the future.


Microsoft Announces Layoffs in Gaming Divisions

Microsoft Gaming and Activision Blizzard are undergoing layoffs impacting 1,900 employees.

The entrance to a Microsoft office building is shown with a large, multicolored Microsoft logo in the foreground. The building features a modern design with angular overhangs and a series of supportive columns

Source: Wikimedia Commons

This adjustment follows Microsoft’s $69 billion acquisition of Activision Blizzard and includes significant organizational changes, such as the departure of key personnel like Mike Ybarra, the gaming company’s president.


Salesforce Reduces Its Workforce by 700

Salesforce laid off 700 jobs, representing 1% of its global workforce.

An aerial view of the Salesforce Tower, a tall, curved high-rise building in the center of a dense cityscape. The top of the building features intricate patterns formed by its architecture and is surrounded by various other buildings

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Despite these layoffs, Salesforce continues to recruit for 1,000 open positions, indicating a strategic reshuffling rather than a broad-scale reduction.


Paramount Global Cuts 800 Jobs Following Super Bowl Success

Paramount Global is reducing its workforce by approximately 800 positions, or 3% of its total employees.

The iconic entrance gate to Paramount Pictures studio is captured on a sunny day. The gate features an ornate arch with the Paramount Pictures sign inscribed on top. In the foreground, a decorative fountain with blue tile work is actively splashing water

Source: Hannah Wernecke/Unsplash

This move follows the company’s record viewership with Super Bowl LVIII and aims to strategically align resources despite recent broadcasting successes.


Meta's Continued Workforce Reductions Amid Economic Pressures

Meta, formerly known as Facebook, has also been significantly downsizing its workforce. In 2023, the company announced multiple rounds of layoffs, impacting thousands of employees across various departments.

The Meta logo, consisting of a blue infinity symbol, displayed on a sign at 1 Hacker Way, surrounded by lush greenery

Source: Wikimedia Commons

These cuts were driven by the need to streamline operations and reduce costs amid slowing revenue growth and increasing competition in the digital advertising space. The company is focusing on restructuring to better align with its long-term strategic goals, including its push into the metaverse and augmented reality technologies.


Navigating the Future of Tech Employment

Google’s layoffs are part of a broader trend affecting the tech industry, where companies are adjusting their workforce in response to economic pressures, technological advancements, and the need for greater efficiency.

The entrance to a Google office building framed by trees, featuring a clear glass facade with the Google logo

Source: Jonny Gios/Unsplash

As Google and other tech giants navigate these challenging times, the landscape of employment in the tech sector continues to evolve, reflecting the dynamic nature of this industry.
