Duchess of York Reacts to Unexpected Cancer Diagnosis

By: Carol Kingston | Published: Jan 29, 2024

Britain’s Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson, recently announced she’s been diagnosed with melanoma, a rare form of skin cancer.

The Duchess was initially shocked by the diagnosis but has since taken to social media to speak about the situation with her followers and appears to be in good spirits.

Duchess Diagnosed With Melanoma

Sarah Ferguson, known as Fergie, was diagnosed with melanoma less than a month after revealing she’d defeated breast cancer.

Two doctors wearing white coats look over a patient reports inside a hospital

Source: Freepik

During a post to social media on New Year’s Eve, the York duchess wrote, “I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I beat breast cancer.”

Discovery of Malignant Melanoma

According to reports, the melanoma was discovered during Fergie’s reconstructive surgery after her mastectomy.

A doctor and nurse look at a patient's test results on a tablet

Source: Freepik

Several moles were analyzed, and one was later identified as cancerous.

Dermatologist Praised by the Duchess

Fergie praised the work of her dermatologist in a post on social media, for their part in the diagnosis.

Dermatologist uses a unique tool to examine a patient's shoulder blade

Source: Freepik

“It was thanks to the great vigilance of my dermatologist that the melanoma was detected when it was,” she wrote.

What Causes Melanoma?

Melanoma is a specific form of skin cancer caused by overexposure to ultraviolet light, typically from too much time in the sun or on tanning beds.

A man pictured as he sits in the sun topless as a woman applies sunscreen to his back

Source: Freepik

Various factors, including pale skin, age, and family history, affect its development. Those with an excessive amount of moles are generally at greater risk.

Further Tests Will Be Required

A spokesperson for the duchess released a statement, claiming “She is undergoing further investigations to ensure that this has been caught in the early stages.”

Doctor wearing blue gloves and a white jacket writes down notes on paper

Source: Freepik

They continued, “Clearly, another diagnosis so soon after treatment for breast cancer has been distressing, but the Duchess remains in good spirits.”


Duchess Shares News on Social Media

The duchess took to social media to speak with her followers, explaining she has been diagnosed with cancer yet again.

Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, attends the Christmas Morning Service at Sandringham Church

Source: Stephen Pond/Getty Images

“I have been taking some time to myself as I have been diagnosed with malignant melanoma, a form of skin cancer,” she wrote last Monday on Instagram.


Diagnosed With Cancer Twice in a Year

With the discovery, it is the second time in less than a year that the duchess revealed a cancer diagnosis.

Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, attends Daughters For Earth, Vital Voices, and International Center For Research On Women Campaign Launch

Source: JP Yim/Getty Images

“Naturally, another cancer diagnosis has been a shock, but I’m in good spirits and grateful for the many messages of love and support,” she wrote.


Duchess Uses it as a Moment to Warn Others

According to her spokesperson, Fergie’s diagnosis urged her to speak out about the importance of getting checked.

A female doctor carries out a check-up on one of her male patients

Source: Freepik

“She believes her experience underlines the importance of checking the size, shape, color, and texture and emergence of new moles that can be a sign of melanoma,” they said.


Duchess Returns to Britain

According to reports, Prince Andrew’s former wife returned to Britain after recovering in Austria.

An old photograph taken on the wedding day of Prince Andrew and his former wife, Sarah Ferguson

Source: Anwar Hussein/Getty Images

They claim the duchess is receiving support and care from her family during this turbulent period of her life.


Treatable if Found Early

The public is eager to hear of Fergie’s diagnosis. Luckily, melanoma can be treated if found early.

A doctor sits down with a patient to discuss treatment options

Source: Freepik

Unfortunately, due to its ability to rapidly spread, it is often deemed the most dangerous form of skin cancer.


Rough Week for the Royal Family

The news of the duchess’ recent diagnosis comes just a week after two other members of the royal family disclosed recent medical problems.

In this photo illustration, A selection of front pages from UK daily national newspaper coverage of King Charles and Kate’s recent health concerns

Source: Ming Yeung/Getty Images

Princess of Wales Kate Middleton recently went through abdominal surgery. Meanwhile, King Charles’ enlarged prostate is being treated.
